Per the AFA Constitution & Bylaws, this meeting will be held in conjunction with pmUAL Council 9 and Frontier Councils 9 (F9 and F71). This particular joint meeting will focus on the BOD Agenda Items. The importance of our annual AFA Board of Directors meeting can not be under-stated as this is the opportunity for the entire AFA Organization, through YOUR elected representatives, to review and revise where necessary the issues brought forward regarding the governance of the organization, our common legislative goals, successes, and path forward.

From 1:00-1:30pm, there will be brief discussion of the pmUnited AFA MEC and Local Council 9 specific issues taking place at the quarterly MEC meeting scheduled just prior to the Board meeting. ***[As with ALL our pmUA Local Council meetings, pmCO FAs are welcome to attend however your feedback for voting authority will then need to be directed to your pmCO IAH Council 64 LEC President as pmCO-DEN is a satellite location of your IAH Council. Again, please attend, discuss, learn – your thoughts on all issues is extremely important and welcome.]

The meeting is considered a ‘Special Council Meeting’ due to being held jointly with Frontier AFA Councils, and as well for the sole purpose of considering action on MEC and BOD Advance Agenda Items. Special Council Meeting rules and procedures will apply. As with all special Council Meetings, the only business considered will be that which has been announced and advertised for participation by the entire membership. Please plan accordingly.

Time permitting, open discussion will be just that – discussion only, and not open to any action on non-advertised issues which may be taken under advisement for future local council meeting(s).

Once available on the AFA International website, (web-link will be provided) we encourage you to review these Advance Agenda Items which will be discussed at our meeting. As in past years I would ask our Council 9 pmUA members to review the issues as submitted, notify me of your thoughts on the issues, and as well allow me the latitude to determine our Council support based on the final language of the Agenda Item as it comes out of committee and onto the floor of the Board. (Many times there are last minute committee modifications or changes from the Board which alter the language and/or intent of the original Agenda Item or issue involved.)

As always, if you have questions please feel free to contact me directly.

If you believe you may be able to attend the meeting, please RSVP to and we will be sure to have an Agenda Item information packet available for you at the meeting.